Rest in Stillness: Finding Peace in God’s Presence

I hope this blog post finds you in good spirits and that you’re experiencing God’s love and presence in your daily life. Today, I want to share with you some reflections on the sermon we had on Sunday titled “Be Still and Know God.” It was a powerful message that resonated deeply with many of us as we navigate the busyness and challenges of life.

  1. The Importance of Stillness In our fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness can feel like an impossible task. But the truth is, stillness is essential for our spiritual well-being. It is in those moments of calm and quiet that we can truly encounter God and experience His peace that surpasses all understanding. When we intentionally pause, put away our distractions, and invite God into the silence, we create space for His voice to be heard.
  2. Prayer as a Relationship Prayer is more than just a monologue with God where we present our requests and thank Him for our blessings. It is an opportunity for a deep and intimate relationship with our Creator. When we shift our perspective and approach prayer as a conversation, a time to pour out our hearts and listen to God, it transforms our prayer life. Let us strive to seek God’s presence in prayer and cultivate a genuine connection with Him.
  3. Embracing God’s Presence At times, we may feel distant from God, overwhelmed by the challenges and demands of life. But the beautiful truth is that God is always with us, closer than we realize. When we intentionally pause and embrace His presence, we can find comfort, solace, and renewed strength. In the stillness, we can experience His love and feel the weight of our burdens lifted off our shoulders.
  4. Knowing God’s Love God’s deepest desire is not just for us to know about Him but to truly know Him, to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. He created us with love, understanding our destinies and futures. When we spend time in stillness and seek His face, we dive deeper into this ocean of love. In His presence, we are reminded of His faithfulness, His grace, and His unfailing love that never fails.


As we reflect on these points, let us challenge ourselves to incorporate stillness into our daily lives. It may seem counterintuitive in a world that idolizes productivity and busyness, but the benefits of finding rest in God’s presence are immeasurable. Let us prioritize moments of silence and solitude, where we can tune out the noise of the world and tune into the voice of our Heavenly Father.

Let me leave you with this prayer:

Heavenly Father, In the midst of our fast-paced lives, we long for stillness and peace. Help us to carve out intentional moments to be still in Your presence. Teach us to pause, let go of our worries, and embrace the assurance of Your love and sovereignty. May we experience the depth of Your peace that surpasses all understanding and find rest for our souls. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Remember, dear friends, that God invites us into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him. Take the time to be still, to be present, and to know that He is God. May this week be filled with moments of stillness and encounters with His love and grace.

With love and blessings, Pastor Kaloma Smith