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The Simple Path to Financial Freedom

Does the thought of money stress you out? You’re not alone. Managing your finances can feel complex and overwhelming; but it doesn’t have to be this way! Come join us as we discuss the Simple Path to Financial Freedom with a financial coach. Get ready to be equipped with tools, knowledge, and confidence to take control of your financial life. We will discuss everything from the basics of saving all the way to NFT and Crypto.

Simple Path to Financial Freedom 3 Part Workshop: From savings to investing to Crypto and NFTs
Dates: Thursdays, February 3,10,17
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 886 4196 4165
Passcode: 600460
One tap mobile +16699006833, 88641964165#

We are so thankful for you!

Here is what we have going on at University AME Zion.

Annual Church Meeting

We will have our Annual Church Meeting on Sunday, September 12th

At the Church meeting, we will unveil the 3 year Vision Plan for the Church, appoint officers and ministry leaders, and vote on the yearly budget.

New Members Class

Saturday, September 11th at 10 am

This class is open to anyone who has joined the church, is thinking of joining the church, or wants to find out more about our faith. Pastor Smith will be teaching this call.

This class will cover the beliefs, ministries, structure, and culture of the University AME Zion Church.

Music Ministry Saturday

Saturday 8/21 at 10AM we will have Music Ministry Saturday.

This event will be a time of Vision Sharing, Teaching, Training, and Fellowship. We encourage all existing Music Ministry members and those interested in finding out more about the Music Ministry to join us!!


Tech Team Saturday

Saturday 8/14 at 10 am we will have Tech Team Saturday. The event will be a time of Vision Sharing, Teaching, Training, and Fellowship. We encouraged all existing tech team members and those interested in finding out more about the Tech Team to join us!!

Contagious Generosity

Operation Contagious Generosity is an amazing way to give back to our community!

The goal of Operation Contagious Generosity (OCG) is to relationally connect neighbors through acts of generosity to the financially insecure of our community.

At this time, OCG is focused on gathering groceries, as the pandemic and shelter-in-place have left many individuals and families without work and lacking the finances for basic food provision.

Food bags are gathered at University and picked-up by volunteers to be delivered to RPM (Reach Potential Movement) for distribution to pockets of the under-served in Mountain View and Sunnyvale.

These pockets include Safe Parking Lots, like the one behind the fire station near Shoreline park, the RV’s that line some of our streets, and apartment complexes housing families living in poverty. A portion of the collected groceries goes to a weekly food distribution in Palo Alto, at Buena Vista Mobile Home Park.

Check out our volunteer opportunities

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Making a difference for jesus

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Address: 3549 MIDDLEFIELD RD, PALO ALTO CA, 94306